How Codes Inform Us
Codes capture our attention because we seek understanding through patterns and we wish to discover secrets. These imperatives share a common origin as evolutionary survival mechanisms. Distinct from noise, any captivating code uses structured design to convey a sense of underlying meaning. Once we recognize markings we feel a burning desire for insight.
The order within a code reflects our instinct to create organization in our lives, and unlocking a code's secret exemplifies our feeling of reward from unearthing deeper forms of knowledge.
How Sewing Heals Us
Sewing is the process of joining by looping thread through multiple layers. When we experience injury, stitches increase the efficacy of healing by holding a formation while the body or mind reconstitutes. Each stitch is a literal removal of slack – a closing or fusing. This act of sewing marks a decision of moving forward in health.
As in sewing, we are made stronger by choosing to "go through" life's many challenges.

How A Map Unites Us
The vision of a map inspires notions of travel and interdependence. Although a map aims to represent reality, it is only an approximation of the true world. Mapping is simply a way of highlighting a series of connections that exist independently of the viewer's origin, therefore a map in its most abstract form is a pure expression of unity and familiarity.
Universal recognition of a map serves as reflecting the desire of all people to be recognized by one another.